
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Review on Nail-aid 3 Minute Artificials base/top coat

Hi again, everyone! Today I have another review for you. Today's review will be about another base/top coat I've heard so much about. I've heard "it's amazing, it keeps your polish on for a week without chipping,  it makes your nails strong and healthy". So, of course I tried it out, and I'm ready to tell you what I think about it.

Nail-aid, 3 Minute Artificials is the product I'm reviewing today. I'm actually on my second or third bottle of this. However, that doesn't mean it's the best base coat. It just means it's affordable, and wasn't horrible. I got mine at Ross, for $3 (on a side note, I love Ross). The box says " Harder nails 1 step" "3 Minute artificials, no mess just brush it on" "makes nails hard as gels". I do find that it does make my nails harder, but only while the polish is on. As soon as you take it off your nails are brittle again. Which, for me isn't too big of a deal, because my nails are almost always painted. It's one of the "traditional" pink toned base coats, but the pink color doesn't really show up on your nails. It can be doubled as a top coat, but I wouldn't suggest it. It's not quick drying, and when used as a top coat your nails will take forever to dry. I've never had my nails done in a salon, not gel nails, not artificial nails. So, I really can't compare it to "artificals" as the name suggests. 

In conclusion, do I recommend this product? Sure, if you're looking for a reasonably priced base coat that does make your nails feel stronger, and protects your nails from staining. If you're looking for a base coat that keeps your nail  polish from chipping, then you might want to pass on it. I am still on the search for my perfect base coat, but until I find it, this will do. If you do decide to try it out, I suggest looking for it at Ross. From what I've seen online it runs $7- $8, and I get it for $3 at Ross.

That is my post for the day. I hope you found this review helpful and informative. If you have any questions I didn't answer just leave a comment and I'll let you know what I think. Like me on Facebook if you want to stay up to date with what's going on with me.

In other news, my compact camera I use for some pictures and my videos has just decided to stop working. So, if I can't get it working again I will get a new one as soon as possible but it might be a while. I will keep using my good camera for pictures, but it doesn't do videos. So, if there is a lack of videos in the coming weeks I do apologize in advance. 

Have a blessed day,


  1. Hey there! I just read your article about the Nail-Aid stuff because I have been loving their top-coat and was looking for where to buy more online!

    I actually use the Nail-Aid TOP COAT, which is called "Just Like gel TOP COAT." It goes on very smoothly, dries super-fast and leaves a beautiful, shiny finish. And my manicures LAST!

    I also just found what I consider the perfect base! For years, I've searched for "that perfect base coat." Well, I've finally found it! It's called Nail Bonder: Rubberized Basecoat by ORLY. It says "Rubberized Basecoat" right on the front, and it comes with a purple, rubbery-feeling cap.

    I found it at my local Sally Beauty Supply, where the manager told me it had been selling out like crazy. She said it's like "double-sided sticky tape" for your nails: one side sticks to your nail and the other side sticks to the polish, so the polish doesn't chip/slide off! For people who may have a lot of natural oils in their nails (apparently I do, which is why, even after a professional mani, my nails are chipping within HOURS), this works like MAGIC, because it keeps the polish from "sliding off" your nail.

    I know it sounds a bit like hocus pocus, but I am now a convert for LIFE. Just so you know a little bit about it, it dries VERY fast after you apply it, but it stays a bit tacky even when dry. It's supposed to maintain that "rubbery" feeling so that your polish can adhere to it. So don't panic if you put on your rubberized base coat and then wait and wait and wonder why it's not drying; it's supposed to be a little bit tacky.(And it doesn't dry perfectly clear, either, so you won't want to use it as a clear coat for everyday... it's meant to stick to polish, so it has a bit of thickness to it).

    Anyway, apply your ORLY bonder, then, when it's just a bit tacky, apply your two coats of whatever you normally use, wait a couple of minutes, then apply the Nail-Aid "Just like gel" TOP COAT, and you will have a GORGEOUS manicure that lasts for days and days. Mine don't QUITE make it to the 14-day mark of "perfection," but the teensy chips I have at the very tips and edges are completely unnoticeable to anyone who doesn't stare at my nails with a magnifying glass. This is an absolute MIRACLE in my book. Now I can change my polish as quickly and as often as I want, with no major damage done to nails or wallet! YAY!!

    So that's my new secret for the perfect mani... I'm absolutely IN LOVE with those two products!! Pay the extra money for the ORLY bonding rubberized base coat. It's worth it. Make sure you paint around the outer edge of your nail to prevent it from lifting... do the same with your regular polish and your top coat, and you will have a high-shine manicure to die for!!

    (Oh, and by the way, I just had to go get a blood test done the other day and the lady was going nuts over my week-old self-done mani. She wanted to know where I'd had my nails done! You know you've got a great combo when perfect strangers look at your nails and say "WOW!!" It still had that "just from the salon" shine to it!)

    Anyway, it was very nice to meet you! I look forward to spending some time looking around your blog... I'm into all things nails as well, so some of your posts look fascinating already!

    I have a blog, although it has fallen behind as of late (I took on a bit too many projects at once and my own writing has fallen by the wayside, but I will be picking it back up again soon.) But feel free to stop by and poke around if you like!

    Take care! I hope these tips help you achieve your "perfect mani!"

    Smiles, Jenn @Misadventures in Motherhood

    1. I am so sorry I just now saw this comment. I'm such a bad blogger :-(. I've been so busy, and am just now getting a chance to get back into my blog(which I've missed terribly).

      I will have to give that top coat a shot, I've only tried their base coats. I really need to pick up some of the ORLY base coat now!!! I need a good base coat! I love ORLY polishes, don't know why I've never tried that base coat. I'll have to try it now, and do a post on it.

      I get my nail-aid polishes at Ross(if you would rather get them in person). I don't really see them other places. Ross and TJ Maxx are owned by the same company(I think), so you might be able to find the polish there as well. I've never looked for them online, but I'm sure you could get them on Amazon.

      Thank you for your comment! Once again I'm so sorry I didn't see it for so long. I hope to hear more from you! I love finding new friends who have a love for all things nails!!! I hope you're having a blessed day.


  2. I know this is about 5 years past due, but Wal Mart has the 1 Minute Artificials for $3.88. I love Ross as well, but in case you can't find it anywhere else, it's for sure at Wal Mart. Blessings to you and yours, Angela
